2015 was an absolutely amazing year for Naja Lerus Photography!! And what better way to end this year than by writing my last blog post of the year about one of the prettiest babies I got the chance to work with this year. Meet Kyndall, who came to see me on her 8th day of life! This little girl here was an absolute beauty! She had a head full of thick jet black hair, had the most delicate features, and was sweet as pie. She slept the entire time, and only wok up at the very end, when it was time to do her prop shot and parents shots. The theme for her session was diamonds and pearls, and very girly, so it was a must to do the princess carriage (last picture of this post)! That is one of my most requested props for baby girls! And a must-have for Kyndall’s parents was the baby-in-parents-hands shot that they saw me execute when I did Chicago Bulls star Derrick Rose‘s son’s newborn pictures, where his son PJ was held by his parents. I just love the way Kyndall’s picture came out! She was so quiet and peaceful for that shot, as if she felt the love thru her parents hands as they were holding her.

newborn baby in parents hands inspired by derrick rose picture with his sonchicago newborn pictures baby hands in cheeks frog posechicago-newborn-pictures-11chicago-newborn-pictures-05chicago-newborn-pictures-13baby newborn girl crown prop photographychicago-newborn-pictures-12chicago-newborn-pictures-10chicago-newborn-pictures-08chicago-newborn-pictures-16chicago-newborn-pictures-15newborn egg prop photographychicago-newborn-pictures-02

In conclusion, I would like to thank each and every client I had this year, for helping me pursue my dream of being a newborn photographer, and for allowing me into their lives and creating beautiful memories of their most precious beings. Happy New Year 2016, and I wish each and every one of a year of prosperity.

If you are expecting or know someone that is, and are looking for a newborn photographer in Chicago IL, feel free to contact Naja for more booking information! The price list is listed above in the Pricing tab, but Naja is at your disposal for any additional questions that you may have.

Lace items used in Kyndall’s session are all by The Knitting Bitty and the amazing egg prop was made for me by my dear hubby 🙂