Meet gorgeous Harper, who came to see me on her 7th day of life! Isn’t she a beautiful baby?! Her mommy is a return client, who hired me to take her maternity pictures, and we did those a couple of months ago (see HERE) Her mommy is SO nice, and I knew that once her baby girl made her arrival, that the newborn session was going to amazing, and it was! I have photographed many new babies in my career, some are very alert even at a young age, some are light sleepers, and then you have the ones who sleep so soundly, that nothing can disturb their slumber. Well Harper fell into that last category! She slept SO profoundly, and there was no waking her up LOL! Her mommy said that she was like that at home too! So of course, she was the perfect baby model for me 🙂 She had the most relaxed hands, and just posed so beautifully, and even gave me many smiles; she was a happy sleepy baby for sure! I got thru every single setup I had planned for her, and we were done in less than 2 hours which is really good (newborn sessions on average, can last up to 3 hours). Harper was a real rockstar baby, I was really proud of her! I wish to say thank  you to her parents for choosing Naja Lerus Photography to capture her first days of life, and congratulations to this new family of 3!

If you are in the area and are looking for an Evergreen Park IL newborn photographer, please do not hesitate to contact Naja via the Contact tab for more information, or via email at!

prop shot newborn baby in purple evergreen park ILnewborn girl baby lace evergreen park IL evergreen-park-newborn-photos-12evergreen-park-newborn-photos-02hands in cheeks newborn photography evergreen park ilevergreen-park-newborn-photos-07cocoon newborn lace posed baby evergreen park ILevergreen-park-newborn-photos-06evergreen-park-newborn-photos-15EVERGREEN-park-newborn-photos-05evergreen-park-newborn-photos-10evergreen-park-newborn-photos-08evergreen-park-newborn-photos-14baby in father's hands black in white

All lace items like the wraps and ballerina slippers are by the one and only The Knitting Bitty, the shop where I get ALL of my goodies for my newborn sessions.

Naja Lerus Photography is a Chicago and Evergreen Park IL Newborn Photographer that serves all of Chicago and its surrounding suburbs.