Meet Skylar Lynn, the little superstar 🙂 The first time I met her for her newborn session, she was 11 days new. She did SO good, let me get thru every single setup without even waking up once, she even let me pose her on her mommy’s old teddy bear! Skylar was such a sweetheart, that I invited her back to model a few new lace newborn clothing that I received from The Knitting Bitty, I get ALL of my newborn clothing and wraps from her! If you are an expectant mother or fellow newborn photographer, I highly recommend her stuff, the craftsmanship is exquisite!! But, back to Skylar! So she came back, a little more than an entire week later, which made her this time closer to 3 weeks of age, and STILL did good! I was so proud of her! You will also notice in the last pictures on the yellow backdrop that she is a big chunkier too 😉 If ever you are considering newborn photos for your baby, THIS is why photographers recommend doing the pictures sooner rather than later; if you compare the first set of pictures of Skylar, she was so tiny; that time goes by so incredibly fast! Anyways, little miss Skylar was a rock star and it was my absolute pleasure to meet and photograph that little soul.. Gosh, I really do have the best job in the world!

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